- 1975
The Leistritz factory in Pleystein began production by manufacturing VW Beetle mufflers. At that time, the company was one of the most important suppliers of mufflers.
- 1977
Manufacture of carbide precision tools was added to the existing production range.
- 1980
Adding keyseating machines to the supply range marked the beginning of mechanical engineering at Leistritz.
- 1982
Manufacture of tubing components for exhaust systems was added to the portfolio.
- 1993
The first whirling machines came onto the market for hard machining ball screw spindles.
- 2001
Premier of the internal whirling machine for internal hard machining of threads.
- 2006
Delivery of the first milling machine for manufacturing oil pump rotors.
- 2010
Leistritz supplies the first machines for rack & pinion processing to a big German automotive supplier.
- 2012
Further development of internal whirling machines for processing work pieces with lengths/diameters ≤ 20 mm.
- 2015
Developement of the new Leistritz CAE software for manufacturing plastification screws.